
God of my days lyrics
God of my days lyrics

It’s my heart’s desire to sup with my Lord. Take my hands for love, take my whole heart too Your rivers and streams have refreshed me. I will fill my lips from the cup of truth. Your sun and Your moon give me light, And Your stars show the way through the night. This is a 1980s song of consecration and surrender and we thank Peter Horn for suggesting it. It is not time to panic instead we ought to decide to trust in God to see us through this and dedicate our days to living for Him. It’s December, and I had hoped that by now we would be near the ending of this pandemic, but here we are facing yet another variant of the COVID-19 disease. In a few collections it is given as "God of my life, through all my days." Its use in all English-speaking countries is extensive.As for me, my happiness is to be near God, I have put my trust in the Lord God and made him my refuge and I’ll keep telling the world of the awesome works of my faithful and glorious God! Psalm 73:28 This note seems to imply that the hymn was written before the author's illness at Lisbon, in 1751, and probably the date of 1740, given to it by Dr. Song Lyrics - God of My Days Gateway Worship You awaken my heart From slumbering Meet me in mourning And you speak to my grief Youre the light in my.

god of my days lyrics

"It is interesting to remember, that, when pressed iown by the hand of disease and tottering on the brink of eternity, the pious author of this hymn realized the divine consolations its perusal may inspire," p. Lyrics Beautiful Saviour, wonderful Counsellor, clothed in majesty, Lord of history, youre the way, the truth, the life. Humphreys in his edition of Doddridge's Hymns, &c, and accompanied by the following note:.

god of my days lyrics

1 God is Still Good Lyrics Verse 1 As I look back on all of my days So. 71, in 6 st! of 4 line, and headed, "Praising God through the whole of our existence, Psalm cxlvi. God is still good This is my testimony Lets go God is good God is still good. It was published in Doddridge's (posthumous) Hymns, &c, by J. Oh God You Are My God And I Will Ever Praise You Oh God You Are My God And I Will Ever Praise You I Will Seek You In The Morning And I Will Learn To Walk In Your Ways And Step By Step You’ll Lead Me And I Will Follow You All Of My Days And I Will Follow You All Of My Days, And I Will Follow You All Of My Days.

god of my days lyrics god of my days lyrics

No evidence beyond these unauthorised statements is forthcoming to show that this was the author's death-bed hymn, as this date, and Miller's note would imply. Am7 C Lord of my laughter, sovereign in sorrow. Joy through my swimming eyes shall break, Am7 G/B C2 I trust that every moment's in Your hands Chorus. "This hymn may be read autobiographically, especially verse 3, in reference to the peaceful thankfulness in his heart when the last wave of his life was ebbing out at Lisbon. 172) evidently took this date as the foundation of his note which reads:. This hymn is dated in the Baptist Psalm & Hymns, revised edition 18, " 1751," the year of Doddridge's death, but upon what authority it is not stated.

God of my days lyrics